The EQ Edge: Emotional intelligence and your success, 3rd Edition

Steven J. Stein, Howard E. Book, ca 368 pages, Jossey-bass (2011)


  • Sinn und Werte
  • Haltung und Selbstorganisation
  • Innovation und Veränderung

The EQ Edge is an extremely useful tool in assisting to unveil, understand and tap into the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ). It emphasizes the true value of EQ in dealing with complexity on a daily basis. According to the authors, your emotional intelligence quotient can be considered a strong predictor of sauccess of your life and understanding and nurturing this concept will assist in significant personal and professional growth.

Thsi book portrays the dynamics and power of emotional intelligence by setting forth a number of cases. it highlights the top EQ factors in a variety of different kinds of jobs and offers intriguing, novel insights into what it takes to be the best at whatever you do, whether you are a top law-enforcement officer, school principal, student, dentist or an executive leader in an organisation.

The EQ Edge is also able to assist organizational members in recognizing and effectively utilising their top talent, effectively responding to challenges and increasing individual EQ. It provides a practical guide to acjieving success at your job and at home and provides you with a critical tool (EQ) in getting ahead, separating yourself from the competition and leading a less stressful an happier life.

This book has an easy read, which allows the reader to gain more clarity about and therefore emhances theis understanding of EQ. The reader will be left with a clear, convincing introduction to EQ and its value in assisting leaders (amongst other professionals) to effectively manage inerpersonal elements of their job and effectively approach and apply problem-solving within the organization and their personal lives.

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