Effective sustainable leadership for future-fit companies

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Leaders of the future

Making the difference - effective sustainable leadership for future-fit companies


A value-oriented mindset and responsible actions lead to sustainable business results - with Tripl3Leader you experience the competence development of executives and teams.

„Very happy to have you as a partner for my leadership journey“

– Sales executive. Industrial Investment Goods

“…a life changing experience. Never ever has somebody talked to me like this.”

– Business Unit Manager. Service Industry

“Best team development ever.”

– Head of R&D. Automotive Industry

Leadership development

Every development starts with ourselves. Our attitude and our skills determine our impact. Our True Leadership products and services support individuals, leaders and management teams in mastering the challenges of society and business.

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Team Development

Teams are the key to success in our complex business world. Tripl3Leader increases the effective sustainable performance of teams, through evaluation and development support. Trust, commitment and shared responsibility for results are important success factors. A responsible attitude towards society and the environment is the benchmark for lasting success.

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Organizational Development

The sustainability of organizations is based on their strength to live and design community and innovation. A high level of participation is particularly important for effective transformation processes and a noticeable value orientation. Stakeholder dialogues and responsible innovation are anchored in everyone´s mind and heart.

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Your consulting for effective sustainable leadership

Founded by leaders and consultants from the most prominent global leadership development companies. With years of professional experience, Tripl3Leader is one of the first consulting firms to address all three dimensions of sustainability simultaneously and regards them as equally important: People - Planet – Profit

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News & Events


Public events
True Leadership Journey 2024 – Modul 3 – Leading the Business