Business Model Generation
Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur, ca. 270 pages, Campus (2010)
This exceptional ‘handbook for visionaries, game changers and challengers’ gives the reader a new way of designing his/her business and fostering innovation. The book introduces the concept of business model canvas as a common language to describe, evaluate and change business models. This canvas consists of 9 components which cover the areas of customers, supply, infrastructure and financial viability. Furthermore, different business model patterns, such as ‘long tail’ or ‘multi-sided platforms’ are presented, using this model. Additionally, several design techniques and key strategies for developing a business model are explained. The book is strongest, when it takes up all these ideas and combines them into a concrete business model creation process. Last, but not least, the authors give an outlook on how to align this method with upcoming trends in the fields of sustainability and IT.
In order to write a credible book about business innovation, Osterwalder and Pigneur used an innovative business model themselves. They broke through the conventional format of management books, by working together with 470 experts on an online platform, thereby enabling a common creation process. Besides that, the book is easy to read and to understand, not only because of its catchy language and examples, but, most of all, because of its highly visualised design. Additional exercises and workshop tips make it a practical manual for analysing and improving one’s business. All in all, after this reading, you will perceive and understand the key processes of your company more consciously and profoundly.
Tripl3Leader highly recommends this book to entre- and intrapreneurs who want to create and manage breakthrough organizations. Not only does it give valuable advice on how to develop a successful business model, but it also helps in the understanding of the structures of other companies, particularly their key strengths and weaknesses. As this business administration concept can be individually adjusted, it is addressed to all kinds of organizations at all stages of development. Since we live in a time where the life span of business models is sharply declining, this book gains more and more in importance.