
The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

Paul Hawken (Pb.), Penguin, 256 p., 2018


  • Sinn und Werte
  • Haltung und Selbstorganisation
  • Innovation und Veränderung

No new plan is needed to stop global warming. If we tap into the collective wisdom of humankind, we already have enough answers to meet our collective responsibility for climate protection, according to the credo of the research project led by American scientist Paul Hawken on which the book is based. Impressive in the breadth of the subject areas considered, Drawdown presents 100 ideas that are particularly promising not only for reducing CO2 emissions, but for pulling massive amounts of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Drawdown can happen now - that's the book's inspiring message, referring to the point in time - Drawdown - from which the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peaks and begins to decline annually.

Not all the ideas are surprising, not all of them are new - the book's gain is rather the compilation of the different technologies. Energy generation through solar roofs, for example, hardly seems innovative today. But if you add other ideas from the Buildings and Cities subchapter, the result is a concrete guide on the way to the zero-energy house.

A quick overview and concrete ranking is provided by the figures on projected CO2 reductions, net savings and net costs calculated by the 70 scientists involved. The short sections on each idea make it clear that the claim of responsible innovation is understood holistically: Forest pastures, for example, not only enable significantly higher carbon sequestration, but at the same time are financially attractive and thus can promote global social justice through use in countries of the global South.

The last part of the book is particularly exciting. Here, the researchers present new ideas. Again, always with the claim to combine ecological progress, economic viability and social justice. Wave energy, intelligent roads and hyperloop transport arouse curiosity and invite readers to develop creative visions of the future.

This is a book for anyone curious about concrete solutions for climate protection. Leaders will find innovative technologies and ideas that are feasible, affordable and ecologically promising. For all who want to change the footprint and handprint of their company in a sustainable way now.

If you would like to discuss books with their interesting suggestions in more depth, then talk to us. We coach leaders and prepare them – also for new altitudes. Tripl3Leader – Excellence in People Planet and Profit.

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