Peace in the Age of Chaos
Steve Killelea, Hardie Grant Books 2020, 296p. English.
The key statements of Steve Killelea are that a) peace is more than the absence of war and b) it needs solid institutions to build and protect peace. His considerations are well thought through and experience-based with great examples on peace as a requisite for the survival of society. Without a peaceful world we cannot have the trust and the needed cooperation to solve the big global issues, like climate change, pandemics etc.
His point of view is a great addition to the individual leadership approaches focusing on respect etc. in individual relationships. Steve is the founder of the global think tank ‘Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)’ and points out the efforts needed to build the necessary institutional structure and power for what he calls an ‘Positive Peace’, an active and inspirational peace.
Steve reflects on the pillars of positive peace which are, e.g., a well-functioning government, sound business environment, equitable distribution of resources, high levels of human capital and more.
We recommend this book to leaders of organizations as peace and economic progress are going hand in hand and leaders can and need to contribute to building peace through their business activities (e.g., avoiding corruption) which in reverse supports the business.
Steve refers to the Global Peace Index - Oxford Global Research Initiative (, a report produced by the IEP which measures the relative position of nations' and regions' peacefulness. The GPI ranks 163 independent states according to their levels of peacefulness. Good insights for investment and business decisions.
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