True Leadership TOOLBOX
This TOOLBOX provides leaders who want to lead and manage effectively and sustainably with ideas and learning material for both daily tasks and strategic challenges. It can be purchased analog in card format and digital in PDF format.
Perfectly suited for the home office!
You want to find the purpose for your company, revise your strategy, analyze a difficult discussion situation, promote responsible innovation and last but not least strengthen yourself as a leader?
The more than 160 learning cards in A5 format explain a model on the front in an easily understandable way and on the back provide suggestions for implementation in everyday management as well as space to make your own entries.
The contents are arranged according to the 6 competence fields of the True Leadership CAPACITY MODEL.
The features at a glance of the card format:
- High-quality wooden box (18x25x25cm: HxWxD)
- Wooden plug-in cards separate the individual fields of competence and their cards from each other.
- Over 160 DINA5 flashcards, each containing one Leadership Model or tool
- Content in English language
- QR Codes provide references to more detailed information (literature, research & interesting articles). In each case with marking of the language (DT, EN)
- Each flashcard carries a serial number. This makes it easy to take it out and put it back in its place.
- 1 extra card with instructions for the best use of the True Leadership TOOLBOX
- The complete True Leadership competence model in the inner lid for orientation
- A DINA5 notepad based on the Belgian ATOMA principle, in which the most important personal flashcards can be easily taken into a meeting or similar.
- Cards are already punched at the upper edge for this purpose. They can easily be taken into and out of the personal notepad to make room for further personal learning goals.
True Leadership TOOLBOX Digital
Our True Leadership TOOLBOX is now also available digitally as an editable PDF version in English.
This version offers:
- Over 180 digital learning cards with valuable models, tools and impulses for effective sustainable leadership.
- Short reflections and tasks enable knowledge transfer to everyday business life
- QR codes link to in-depth information (literature, research & interesting articles, videos)
- Personal notes can be saved directly on the learning cards
- PDF format guarantees access on different mobile devices (Ipad, laptop, smartphone)
- Perfect for a paperless office
The price per True Leadership TOOLBOX, plus VAT and shipping costs is 290€ (including VAT for private individuals: 345.10€).
For the digital version the price is 79.90€ (incl. VAT: 95.08€).
Please contact us for special prices on larger quantities.
Shipping fee:
- Within Germany: 15€
- EU countries: 25€
- International: 50€
Just send us a short mail to support@tripl3leader.com with the following information:
Keyword: TOOLBOX / TOOLBOX digital for the PDF format
Desired quantity:
Billing address:
Shipping address:
You will immediately receive an invoice including shipping costs. Please transfer the money to the following account.
Trip3Leader GmbH
GLS Bank
IBAN DE34 4306 0967 7028 1063 00
Our sustainability standards
- High-quality card index box made of solid, untreated wood (beech) to absorb your development impulses.
- Cards & Print from Fink GmbH - Sustainable. From the region - with 100% local® production. Learn more: "We take responsibility for our environment and region and have therefore converted our production to sustainability. We obtain all materials from within a radius of only 100 kilometers. Printing varnishes often come from the USA, printing plates from France or England, paper is transported by trucks right across Europe - at the expense of our environment and the companies located in the region. Print products with our 100% local® seal guarantee you and your customers that you will not get your hands on any harmful substances such as mineral oils, mercury, PCP, PAH, DIPN or cobalt. We prefer to use ingredients such as natural resins or corn starch and, if desired, produce absolutely food-safe".
- We ship all TOOLBOXES automatically 100% climate neutral - without additional costs.